
Dear authors, please, follow the rules of writing and manuscript preparation for publication in the Scientific Newsletter.

The minimum volume of the paper is 8-10 pages in the A4 format (CD, Flash Card or e-mail), interval – 1, Times New Roman font, 12 pt., with the following margines: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm. The electronic form should be prepared with MS Word 7.0 text editor or its later versions. The text of the paper is submitted both in electronic and printed form. The Universal Decimal Classification code number is put in the upper left corner of the first page in bold type, 12 pt. The information about the paper`s author (place of his/her employment, academic rank, position, valid e-mail) should be arranged in two columns in Russian and English.

The author`s initials and surname are put in the next line, bold type, 12 pt., centered. The title of the paper is typed IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, 12 pt., centered, without intent, no dot at the end of the title line. The 1 interval blank is put before and after the title. The title should be followed by an abstract, which volume should be 8 lines at most in body type, 10 pt., its left and right indentation is 20 mm., justified alignment. The key words (6-10 words and word combinations) are given below the abstract. Below is the surname of the author (authors), the title of the paper, the abstract and the key words in English.

The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 pt., in one column. Justified alignment of the paragraph is used. The paragraph first line indentation is 1 cm. All paragraphs should only be installed automatically – done-in MS Word! The examples should be italicized.

Numbering and labeling lists in the text, numbering sources in bibliographic lists should only be done automatically in MS Word! Indent of the text from the number (token) – 0.5 cm

The word “Table” with its serial number is put flush right. The name of the table should be given in the next line (centered, without indentation and hyphenation), no dot at the end of the line. The table must be followed by 1 interval blank. If there is only one table in the paper, it is not numbered. The table should settle down on the center of page and not support its field.

Drawings can be created in graphic packages MS Vision or Corel DRAW (it is desirable, as it accelerates time of processing of the sent materials and acceptance on them of decisions), and also means of editor MS Word (but it considerably complicates processing of materials!). Drawings should be compactly inserted into the text, settleв down on the center of page and not go beyond the field. In case of use for creation of drawings of editor MS Word before an insert in the text drawing should be necessarily grouped for the purpose of a non-admission of moving of separate elements of the drawing in the text! Each drawing should have the interlinear inscription typed by 11th font, with indented paragraph in 1сm, of the following format (example):

Drawing 2. The Sentence structure.

The references to the literary sources in the text are given in square brackets [1]. The list of the sources (in the order they are mentioned in the text) should be titled “Bibliographic list” and is to be given below the article. It should be given in bold type, 12 pt. Bibliographic list is given in Russian and Latin (transliterated). The author should refer to fundamental and actual works. The minimum references` number should be 10 and 12 at most.

The manuscripts for publication should be externally reviewed (signed and sealed in the place of the reviewer’s employment). Postgraduates` and applicants` manuscripts should also contain their research supervisor’s review.

Postgraduates` manuscripts are published free of charge.

The editorial board reserves the right to select and to edit the papers submitted for publication.

The references to the Scientific Newletter is obligatory and should have the following format:

Andreev V.N. Metaforicheskie modeli v romane M. Kanningema «chasyi» kak proyav-lenie osobennostey idiostilya pisatelya / V.N. Andreev // Nauchnyiy vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennyie lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovaniya. – 2009. – Vyp. 2 (12). – S. 12-20.

The reception of the articles doesn’t guarantee their publication until they are accepted by the editorial board. The author will be informed about the editorial board decision in writing.

The manuscript will be published provided it meets the requirements mentioned above.

In case the author doesn’t respond reviewer’s and editorial board members` comments, the article will not be published.

Please, send your applications and papers in electronic form (as e-mail attachments) to the following addresses: (Kozlova Victoria Viacheslavovna) (Lavrinenko Irina Yurievna).

Application form should contain:

–     author`s name, patronymic name and surname

–     author`s academic degree and academic rank

–     author`s place of employment and position

–     author`s home address (index and telephone number)

–     author`s e-mail

You can fax the printed versions of your papers or send them to the address given below:

Russia, 394006, Voronezh, 20-Let Octjabrja Street, 84, room 6339, Voronezh State Uni-versity of Architecture and Civil Engineering

To Kozlova Victoria Viacheslavovna (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Newsletter)

Lavrinenko Irina Yurievna (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Newsletter).


Tel. 8 (4732) 76-39-73 – Foreign Languages Department of VSUCE

Fax: 8 (4732) 76-39-73 – Foreign Languages Department of VSUCE

Kozlova Victoria Viacheslavovna (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Newsletter)

E-mail: or

Lavrinenko Irina Yurievna (Executive Secretary of the Scientific Newsletter)


The materials are accepted for publication:

—     up to 30th January – for issue 1(4) of the current year;

—     up to 30th April – for issue 2(5) of the current year;

—     up to 30th August – for issue 3(6) of the current year;

—     up to 30th October – for issue 4 (7) of the current year/

Issues of the Series “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” are available on the Scientific Newsletter’s site: