HomeScientific Journal has been published since 2004. The founder and the publisher of the journal is Voronezh State Technical University. Its subscription index in the “Rospechat” agency catalog is 47198. In 2006 Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” was registered in the mass media (catalog “Russian Post”, PI Certificate number FS 6 – 0475 of 10.08.2006) and the Book Chamber (International Center ISSN) – ISSN number: 1991-9700. ISSN of the electronic version of the journal: 2949-3781 Founder and Publisher of the journal: Voronezh State Technical University Publisher address: 84, 20-Let of October Street, Voronezh, 394006 Subscription index in the «United Catalog of the Press of Russia» (the Russian version of the journal) is 85817 Area of distribution – the Russian Federation. The Russian version of the Journal is included in the List of the leading reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Russian Federation, recommended by Higher Certifying Commission. The Scientific Journal contains the following sections:
The submitted papers are reviewed by the leading specialists in the field of Linguistics, Methods and Didactics of Teaching, Inter-cultural Communication, Theory and Practice of Translation and are registered in the Russian Index of Scientific Citing. A full-text version of the Journal can be found on the website of the Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library. Any use of the copyright of the Journal materials without the editorial staff permission is strictly forbidden. The references to the Scientific Journal are obligatory when citing. • The Russian version of the Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” of Voronezh State Technical University is published 4 times a year (in March, June, October, December). • The English version of the Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical- and-Didactic Researches” is also published four times a year in 2 weeks after publishing the Russian version (in March, June, October, December). The publication of the articles in Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” is free of charge. The working languages of Scientific Journal are: Russian, English, German, French and Spanish. For more detailed information about the editorial board contacts and the work schedule with authors refer to the section “Contacts”. If you want to purchase the Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-amd-Didactic Researches” choose one of the possible options below: 1) subscribe to the printed version of the issue, the subscription index is 47198; 2) subscribe to the electronic version of the issue on the Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library site: http://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp 3) subscribe to the series in the Scientific Journal`s editorial office. Please send your application to the following address: lavrinirina1@yandex.ru The electronic version of the Scientific Journal can also be found: 1) on the Scientific Electronic Library site: http://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp 2) in the “International Bibliography” system of Modern Language Association of America; 3) on the Educational Portal of Voronezh State Technical University. Concerning the scientific advertising in the Scientific Journal (for the purpose of getting information about the new publications in the field of modern linguistics, methodological- and-didactic researches) please contact us on tel.: (4732)76-39-73 (Lavrinenko Irina Yurjevna, technical secretary), e-mail: lavrinirina1@yandex.ru The information about the Journal, can also be found on the Educational Portal of Voronezh State Technical. |