Rules of Writing AbstractsAbstract. Abstract (from lat. annotatio-note) or CV (from fr. Résumé – «reduced») – a brief description of a scientific article in terms of its purpose, content, type, form and other features. In accordance with the requirements of the leading scientific journals in the scientific article (see www.gramota.net / annotacia.html) abstract (annotation) should include characteristics of: • the main theme, • the problems of the scientific article, • the goals of the work and • its results. The abstract indicates what new information this article has in comparison with the other ones purpose-related in topics. Abstract indicates the key issues, that are accessed by the author, approach to these problems and achievements of the work. Abstract also should not contain acronyms; they should be used in the section titles. The abstract should avoid references to other works; their place is in the body of the text. Exception to the rule may be a reference to the very important work of another author, which is used as a basis for the given work. The volume of the abstracts should not exceed 10 lines. According to the requirements of the leading scientific publications for compiling the abstracts of the scientific article and its design (see www.gramota.net / annotacia.html) when writing the abstracts it is recommended to use phrases that will reveal problems in your paper and the results of the analysis conducted:
(More samples of drawing up the abstracts can be found on the website: Abstract to scientific article. Sample of annotations. Requirements … www.gramota.net / annotacia.html) + Please note that the function and requirements for preparing the abstracts and keywords are regulated by the Corresponding All-Union State Standards. – All-Union State Standard 7.9-95 SIBID “Summary and abstract. General Requirements “(Interstate ISO 214-76) – All-Union State Standard 7.66-92 SIBID “Document Indexing. General requirements to coordinate indexing “(Interstate Standard ISO 5963-85) – All-Union State Standard 7.25-2001 SIBID “Thesaurus monolingual information retrieval. Design rules, structure, composition and presentation “(Interstate Standard) Detailed information can be found on the website http://www.ingnpublishing.com/rig/metodicheskaya_pomow/kak_podgotovit_annotaciyu_i_sformirovat_spisok_klyuchevyh_slov_k_nauchnoj_state/ |